Hi! My name is Patsy Costner

I must admit, in all my writing, I find this section, ABOUT... to be the most difficult to write, even intimidating. Why?

Concerning my accolades, I do not claim to be a guru in any sense of the definition. As for my ability to write, I’m just an amateur. When it comes to my degrees and accomplishments, there are others who have certainly surpassed me in every area. Summing me up, by world standards, I would be considered a “nobody” rather than “somebody.”

When I was old enough to understand the call of Jesus in my life, I accepted his invitation to become a Disciple of Jesus. I became a Daughter of the King - a Child of God. When it comes to spirituality I, like all my brothers and sisters in Christ, am working out my salvation. I am not perfect, but I am definitely not the woman I used to be.

At age 55 I began to look back on my life and see all the inconsistencies in my life. If I were the daughter of the King, then why was I not living like royalty? I wanted and tried to live the Christian life but instead of an effortless walk my life was filled with power struggles. I rededicated my life to Christ and was re-baptized. I began a journey that I had never walked before. As I searched for answers I began to understand more fully how our spirituality is a work in progress.

I am not proclaiming to have all the answers, but by God’s grace and mercy, I am not the woman I used to be. I am still in training. But, under the transforming power of Jesus Christ in my life, I am learning to perfect my walk.

As a Child of God, we are to tell others how much the Lord has done for us." Telling others is not enough the change must be evident in our lives. Jesus has influenced every facet of my life.

For those who are interested, I take pride in being a... 


Family is one of the greatest gifts that God gave man. I am married to my best friend, Joey Costner. The first time I met him, I knew I would spend the rest of my life with him. He taught elementary school and was a part-time music minister. We were married and for 40+ years have ministered to glorify God.

Family is important. Of all ministry and mission fields, the home is the greatest opportunity a woman has for sharing her faith. From the beginning,
I set out to be the best “home” maker I could be. I wanted to provide a home where my family, friends, and anyone who walked through the doors of our home, could find love, and acceptance. In fact, I believe that home is a place where anyone would feel comfortable and at home.

A pastor friend gave us a plaque, that has been long gone, that said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joey and I agreed that we would make our house a place for family, friends, and at times strangers to rest, and fellowship. We have been intentional about drawing people groups together for food and fellowship, and when possible small group studies and Bible Studies. Presently, we host Freedom in Christ meetings weekly.

…Mother and Grandmother

We have one son, Matthew. He is married to the Alyson Elliott Costner. She is the daughter we always wanted. Matthew is a minister, and Alyson is a certified teacher.  They gave us two grandchildren, Maxwell and Ellery.

...Lifetime Student

I love to learn. As soon as I graduated from high school, I enrolled at Western Carolina University in pursuit of a teaching degree. A year and a half I transferred to Gardner-Webb University - GWU (a college then) as a religious education major, then later, changed my major to elementary education. I earned my bachelor’s degrees in elementary, and intermediate school from GWU. Later I earned my masters degree, double majoring in elementary and middle school, at Gardner - Webb.

I received my mentor certification and Academically Gifted Certification from University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Toward the end of my career I earned my Education Specialist Degree in principalship and supervision at Converse College in Spartanburg, SC.

I taught elementary school (Headstart, Kindergarten, 2nd, 4th, and 5th grades) in Cleveland County School System for 30 years. In respect to religious education other than my first 2 years at GWU, I am self-taught. I have studied church growth strategies for 40 years as I served churches along side my husband.

More recently I have trained with Neil Anderson’s Community Freedom Ministry University. I am presently waiting to be accepted as an associate. 


I love TEACHING. I am a teacher at heart. From my childhood, I wanted to be a teacher. I taught kindergarten through fifth grade in public schools for 30 years. For 40 years I have taught Sunday school, and served as Sunday School Director and Missions Director. I have taught children, youth, and adults in the churches that my husband and I attended. I teach Bible Studies, and small group studies.

Closely related to teaching is my love for MENTOR/COACH. Walking with other women along this Christian walk is very rewarding.  


I never leave home without my Apple Computer, I-Phone, Bible, 3 Books, Pencil and Sticky-Notes.

My favorite pastime, hobby, interest is READING. I have hundreds of books. Many have come and gone, to the thrift stores or Crossroads Rescue Mission. However, many have earned the right to space in my personal library. The genre I prefer most is non-fiction, self-help, lifestyle, spiritual formation, and home-making, and church growth. Among the studies that have impacted my life and ministry were David Nasser, Henry Blackaby, Gary McIntosh, Neil Anderson, and Peter Wagoner. I receive free books from Thomas Nelson and Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for writing a book reviews. 

Reading for the sake of knowledge alone is useless. Just like a book that sits on a shelf, but is never read. Knowledge should be communicated so that others can learn. I communicate knowledge that I have attained by teaching, mentoring/coaching, speaking, and writing.

I love to WRITE: Out of all my experiences – I write. I have had several blogs in the past but have merged them together into this website. I write book reviews for Amazon, BookSneeze and Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for free books. I also contribute to different discussion chat rooms. I am presently writing a non-fiction book series, Walking With Jesus – The Way-The Truth-The Life. Also in progress is a book dealing with Making a House – A Happy Home.


I love to SPEAK. There is nothing I love more than sharing what God has done in my life. I have spoken at Women’s Day events, mission emphasis Sundays, women’s luncheons.


You know a little more about me and the reason behind my writing. I hope you will come back often. You may agree or disagree with me, but you cannot argue with my witness and testimony to the difference God has made in my life. If my transparency, my teaching, my lessons learned in life, will help you, or ignite in you a desire to begin your own walk with God, then it is all worth the effort to keep this blog alive.

And so...
I write Gracefully,

Patsy C. 

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