Sunday, June 6, 2010


What are you known for? What will be written in your obituary when your accolades are written? I have always introduced myself as Irvin and Waynett’s daughter, Joey’s wife, Matthew’s mother, Teacher for Cleveland County Schools, resident of Twin Lake Drive, member of given church, writer of IWANNABE…like Jesus blog, gardener, and on and on.
Romans 1:8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world...
Paul was known for his letters to the churches as well as to his friends and fellow believers commending them on their faith. He went on to say in this letter that their faith was being reported all over the world.
I will have to say that I have attended several churches during my life and never have I known of any of them receiving a letter from past staff in the form of praise or challenging them to kingdom work. Then again, I have never sent any letters either. This portion of the letter has challenged me to think of those that have followed me, and to think of ways that I could encourage them.
The second thing that I find so interesting is that their faith was being reported all over the world. Keep in mind they did not have TV, radio, phones, email, Internet, and all the other media devices of our day. We have all the means to evangelize the world and yet we fail to take advantage of the opportunity to do so.
Yes, I can do a lot of things, but it is only through Christ who strengthens me. I pray that the only way one sees me is to see Christ first.
1)     How faithful are you? In other words, is your faith evident in your walk with Christ or for other areas of your life (sports, community service, politics, craftiness, arts, success, etc)?
2)     How faithful is your church? Are people coming far and wide to see what is happening at your church? Is it known for it’s reputation to holding true to God’s Word or for its music program, youth/children’s activities, political status, facility, bake sales, meals, etc.
3)      When was the last time you thanked someone and/or a church for their spiritual influence in your life? Remember them in your prayer and… and then write them a note of thanks.

Dear Father, I thank you for _________________ because their faith is spoken and seen everywhere they go. They have been a bold witness and have been instrumental in my spiritual growth. Work in my life that I may lead others to you. Work within my church that we will be known throughout our town and community as being faithful to you, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on my Bible study... Thank you for being the witness you are. I know your Mama and Daddy instilled good values in you but you have grown tremendously in your walk. Thank you for your non-judgmental heart and for loving me and Mandy...


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