Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How Great is Our God?

I am writing this in response to Matthew's blog, God vs. Darwin. Check out his response. I too realize that our God is truly magnificent. When I hear a song or someone speaking about His greatness and how He designed us I am reminded of a great message entitled, How great is our God! by Louie Giglio. This section talks about Laminin, an amazing molecule in the human body. If you have not seen this before, then take a look.

How Great is Your God? Would love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. God created all life, I know this to be true in my heart. I have experienced many exceptions and take great delight in each of them. For instance, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and has feathers like a duck; its probably a duck--but not necessarily, it could be a platypuss. The male part of a flower God laid always on top but then there is passiflora incarnata, where the ovum sits on top. How many times in life i have thought how wonderful it would be to be one of those rare exceptions God made; maybe just to prove He could. But I am not. I am as transparent as the air God provides me to breath. I am flawed and filled with imperfections. But I grow daily through God and I do not think the devil will win this time--against me he was often in control but I have teamed up with God and when God sends in reinforcements, He knows exactly who to send. No General nor Commander or Jesse's youngest son ever lost who served our Lord. So when I think of how great our God is, I also think how little I am; and wonder in amazement that He can love us when we are so far beneath Him--the lowest of which are no lower than me.


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