Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Child Sacrifice Going On

Could you be guilty of child sacrifice? I certainly wouldn't want to admit to it would you? And no I am not talking about abortion.

I attended a youth led service last week and an 8th grader, Jenna, read her favorite scripture from Titus 2. Then when I read from Ezekiel 23:36-39  "They committed adultery with their idols; they even sacrificed their children...On the very day they sacrificed their children to their idols, they entered my sanctuary and desecrated it," the buzzer went off in my head.

We are sacrificing our children without even thinking about what we are doing. Jenna was challenging her church to lead and teach the children. She challenged the adults to live as they should.

By the time children begin kindergarten, parents are pushing them into the world by use of dress, entertainment, sports, lifestyle, money, etc. This is the reason that "the church" looks so much like the world. We cannot understand why our children are running to drugs, porn, alcohol, loose-living, etc. Because we have not shown them the true way by example or the Word. Then after we have given them over to all the other gods of today, we try to figure how to rescue them.

Titus 2 gives us pretty good advice for teaching our children. Don't you think? If not why? How do you interpret those scriptures? Do you think Americans have sacrificed their children to idols of the day?

1 comment:

  1. think this may be the best blog you have written so far. i definitely think that some parents who are living through their children sacrifice them as you are talking. however, we are also called to look like the world, just not act like it. it's why paul had timothy circumcised. i am beginning to wonder if entertainment is the problem or if the problem is an inability to discuss Scripture relevantly for kids and adults to understand it. i blame pastors creativity, and parents creativity.


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